Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Literacy Day

Literacy Day is about Middle Schoolers meeting up with Third Graders. The Middle Schoolers made books for their third grade buddy and the third graders read at least 1 chapter from the book they are reading to the Middle Schooler. At the end the third graders got a book that their Middle Schooler book buddy wrote. It was a TON of fun! By, Ben


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone...this is Mrs. Halagan's friend, Rebecca Hamilton. Mrs. Halagan told me about your blog, videos and podcast and I've loved seeing all your hard work. You are ALL going to do great in fourth grade; keep up the good work!

Dr. Rachel Jones said...

Awesome! I heard you had a great time and Mrs. Holthaus, the Middle School Principal, told me how impressed she was with all of you! Thank you for showing Tiger PRIDE over there and participating in such a fun literacy event with our middle schoolers!